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- /* EnvelopeState.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #define ShowMeEnvelopeRec
- #include "EnvelopeState.h"
- #include "FastFixedPoint.h"
- #include "Envelope.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "LinearTransition.h"
- #include "Frequency.h"
- #include "FloatingPoint.h"
- /* local prototypes */
- static void EnvStepToNextInterval(EvalEnvelopeRec* State);
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateLinearAbsolute(EvalEnvelopeRec* State);
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateLinearDecibels(EvalEnvelopeRec* State);
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateSustain(EvalEnvelopeRec* State);
- typedef struct OneEnvPhaseRec
- {
- /* how many envelope cycles does this phase last */
- long Duration;
- /* what amplitude are we trying to attain */
- FastFixedType FinalAmplitude;
- /* what does the curve look like */
- EnvTransTypes TransitionType;
- /* way of deriving the target */
- EnvTargetTypes TargetType;
- /* pointer for making linked lists */
- struct OneEnvPhaseRec* PhaseLink;
- } OneEnvPhaseRec;
- struct EvalEnvelopeRec
- {
- /* number of envelope phases. 0 phases means the envelope produces constant value */
- long NumPhases;
- /* list of definitions for each transition phase. when this goes NIL, then */
- /* we are done. */
- OneEnvPhaseRec* CurrentPhaseRecord;
- /* this remembers the first phase */
- OneEnvPhaseRec* PhaseListHead;
- /* phase at which first sustain occurs. (released by key-up) */
- /* if the value of this is N, then sustain will occur after phase N has */
- /* completed. if it is 0, then sustain will occur after phase 0 has completed. */
- /* if it is -1, then sustain will not occur. sustain may not be NumPhases since */
- /* that would be the end of envelope and would be the same as final value hold. */
- long SustainPhase1;
- long OriginalSustainPhase1;
- SustainTypes SustainPhase1Type;
- /* phase at which second sustain occurs. */
- long SustainPhase2;
- long OriginalSustainPhase2;
- SustainTypes SustainPhase2Type;
- /* phase at which note-end sustain occurs */
- long SustainPhase3;
- long OriginalSustainPhase3;
- SustainTypes SustainPhase3Type;
- /* what output phase are we generating right now. this is the phase index of */
- /* the record currently in CurrentPhaseRecord. */
- long Phase;
- /* what is the origin phase */
- long Origin;
- /* this is the envelope transition generator */
- LinearTransRec* LinearTransition;
- /* this is the countdown for this linear transition. this is NOT used for */
- /* linear-decibel transitions. instead, we hack it ourselves. */
- long LinearTransitionCounter;
- /* stuff needed for linear-decibel transitions */
- long LinearTransitionTotalDuration;
- float InitialDecibels;
- float FinalDecibels;
- /* hold value for when we are sustaining */
- FastFixedType LastOutputtedValue;
- /* number of cycles of the envelope that occur before the origin */
- long PreOriginTime;
- /* this function performs one update cycle */
- FastFixedType (*EnvelopeUpdate)(EvalEnvelopeRec* State);
- /* flag indicating that envelope has finished evaluating the last phase */
- MyBoolean EnvelopeHasFinished;
- /* we remember the template that was used to construct us */
- EnvelopeRec* Template;
- /* pointer for maintaining the free list */
- EvalEnvelopeRec* GarbageLink;
- };
- static EvalEnvelopeRec* EnvelopeStateFreeList = NIL;
- static OneEnvPhaseRec* EnvelopeEntryFreeList = NIL;
- /* flush cached envelope state records */
- void FlushEvalEnvelopeStateRecords(void)
- {
- while (EnvelopeStateFreeList != NIL)
- {
- EvalEnvelopeRec* Temp;
- Temp = EnvelopeStateFreeList;
- EnvelopeStateFreeList = EnvelopeStateFreeList->GarbageLink;
- ReleasePtr((char*)Temp);
- }
- while (EnvelopeEntryFreeList != NIL)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* Temp;
- Temp = EnvelopeEntryFreeList;
- EnvelopeEntryFreeList = EnvelopeEntryFreeList->PhaseLink;
- ReleasePtr((char*)Temp);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- static void DebugCheckState(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- EvalEnvelopeRec* Scan;
- Scan = EnvelopeStateFreeList;
- while (Scan != NIL)
- {
- if (Scan == State)
- {
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"DebugCheckState: released envelope record passed in");
- }
- Scan = Scan->GarbageLink;
- }
- }
- #else
- #define DebugCheckState(x) ((void)0)
- #endif
- #if DEBUG
- static void DebugCheckPhase(OneEnvPhaseRec* Phase)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* Scan;
- Scan = EnvelopeEntryFreeList;
- while (Scan != NIL)
- {
- if (Scan == Phase)
- {
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"DebugCheckPhase: released envelope phase passed in");
- }
- Scan = Scan->PhaseLink;
- }
- }
- #else
- #define DebugCheckPhase(x) ((void)0)
- #endif
- /* dispose of an envelope state record */
- void DisposeEnvelopeStateRecord(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* PhaseScan;
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- DisposeLinearTransition(State->LinearTransition);
- PhaseScan = State->PhaseListHead;
- while (PhaseScan != NIL)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* Temp;
- Temp = PhaseScan;
- DebugCheckPhase(Temp);
- PhaseScan = PhaseScan->PhaseLink;
- Temp->PhaseLink = EnvelopeEntryFreeList;
- EnvelopeEntryFreeList = Temp;
- }
- State->GarbageLink = EnvelopeStateFreeList;
- EnvelopeStateFreeList = State;
- }
- /* create a new envelope state record. Accent factors have no effect with a value */
- /* of 1, attenuate at smaller values, and amplify at larger values. */
- EvalEnvelopeRec* NewEnvelopeStateRecord(struct EnvelopeRec* Template,
- float Accent1, float Accent2, float Accent3, float Accent4,
- float FrequencyHertz, float Loudness, float HurryUp,
- float TicksPerSecond, long* PreOriginTime)
- {
- EvalEnvelopeRec* State;
- long Scan;
- OneEnvPhaseRec* PhaseTail;
- CheckPtrExistence(Template);
- /* we can only handle it if the envelope definition's internal values are floats */
- /* this generates a type error if they aren't */
- EXECUTE((void)((EnvNumberType*)NIL != (float*)NIL);)
- /* allocate state record */
- if (EnvelopeStateFreeList != NIL)
- {
- State = EnvelopeStateFreeList;
- EnvelopeStateFreeList = EnvelopeStateFreeList->GarbageLink;
- }
- else
- {
- State = (EvalEnvelopeRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(EvalEnvelopeRec),
- "EvalEnvelopeRec");
- if (State == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* fill in the fields */
- State->NumPhases = Template->NumPhases;
- State->SustainPhase1 = Template->SustainPhase1;
- State->OriginalSustainPhase1 = Template->SustainPhase1;
- State->SustainPhase1Type = Template->SustainPhase1Type;
- State->SustainPhase2 = Template->SustainPhase2;
- State->OriginalSustainPhase2 = Template->SustainPhase2;
- State->SustainPhase2Type = Template->SustainPhase2Type;
- State->SustainPhase3 = Template->SustainPhase3;
- State->OriginalSustainPhase3 = Template->SustainPhase3;
- State->SustainPhase3Type = Template->SustainPhase3Type;
- State->Phase = -1;
- State->Origin = Template->Origin;
- /* build initial delay transition */
- State->LinearTransition = NewLinearTransition(0,0,1);
- if (State->LinearTransition == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- State->GarbageLink = EnvelopeStateFreeList;
- EnvelopeStateFreeList = State;
- return NIL;
- }
- State->LinearTransitionCounter = 0;
- State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration = 0;
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateLinearAbsolute;
- State->LastOutputtedValue = 0;
- State->EnvelopeHasFinished = False;
- State->Template = Template;
- /* build list of nodes */
- PhaseTail = NIL;
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = NIL;
- State->PhaseListHead = NIL;
- State->PreOriginTime = 0;
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < State->NumPhases; Scan += 1)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* Phase;
- /* allocate phase record */
- if (EnvelopeEntryFreeList != NIL)
- {
- Phase = EnvelopeEntryFreeList;
- EnvelopeEntryFreeList = EnvelopeEntryFreeList->PhaseLink;
- }
- else
- {
- Phase = (OneEnvPhaseRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(OneEnvPhaseRec),
- "OneEnvPhaseRec");
- if (Phase == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- while (State->PhaseListHead != NIL)
- {
- Phase = State->PhaseListHead;
- State->PhaseListHead = State->PhaseListHead->PhaseLink;
- Phase->PhaseLink = EnvelopeEntryFreeList;
- EnvelopeEntryFreeList = Phase;
- }
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- }
- /* fill in phase record parameters */
- PRNGCHK(Template->PhaseArray,&(Template->PhaseArray[Scan]),
- sizeof(Template->PhaseArray[Scan]));
- Phase->TransitionType = Template->PhaseArray[Scan].TransitionType;
- Phase->TargetType = Template->PhaseArray[Scan].TargetType;
- /* calculate the total duration. the effect of accents is this: */
- /* - the accent is the base-2 log of a multiplier for the rate. a value of 0 */
- /* does not change the rate. -1 halves the rate, and 1 doubles the rate. */
- /* - the accent scaling factor is the base-2 log for scaling the accent. */
- /* a value of 0 eliminates the effect of the accent, a value of 1 does not */
- /* scale the accent. */
- /* - pitch has two factors: normalization point and rolloff. rolloff */
- /* determines how much the signal will decrease with each octave. 0 */
- /* removes effect, 1 halfs signal with each octave. normalization point */
- /* determines what pitch will be the invariant point. */
- Phase->Duration = TicksPerSecond * HurryUp * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Duration
- * FPOWER(2, - (Accent1 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent1Rate
- + Accent2 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent2Rate
- + Accent3 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent3Rate
- + Accent4 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent4Rate
- + (FLN(FrequencyHertz / Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyRateNormalization)
- / (float)LOG2) * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyRateRolloff));
- /* the final amplitude scaling values are computed similarly to the rate */
- /* scaling values. */
- Phase->FinalAmplitude = Double2FastFixed(Template->PhaseArray[Scan].EndPoint
- * Template->OverallScalingFactor * Loudness
- * FPOWER(2, - (Accent1 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent1Amp
- + Accent2 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent2Amp
- + Accent3 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent3Amp
- + Accent4 * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent4Amp
- + (FLN(FrequencyHertz / Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyAmpNormalization)
- / (float)LOG2) * Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyAmpRolloff)));
- /* append to the list */
- Phase->PhaseLink = NIL;
- if (PhaseTail != NIL)
- {
- PhaseTail->PhaseLink = Phase;
- }
- else
- {
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = Phase;
- State->PhaseListHead = Phase;
- }
- PhaseTail = Phase;
- /* adjust initial countdown */
- if (Scan < Template->Origin)
- {
- /* this occurs before the origin, so add it in */
- State->PreOriginTime += Phase->Duration;
- }
- }
- *PreOriginTime = State->PreOriginTime;
- return State;
- }
- /* when all envelopes have been computed, then the total (i.e. largest) pre-origin */
- /* time will be known and we can tell all envelopes how long they must wait */
- /* before starting */
- void EnvelopeStateFixUpInitialDelay(EvalEnvelopeRec* State,
- long MaximumPreOriginTime)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- State->LinearTransitionCounter = MaximumPreOriginTime - State->PreOriginTime;
- State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration = MaximumPreOriginTime - State->PreOriginTime;
- }
- /* perform a single cycle of the envelope and return the amplitude for it's */
- /* point. should be called at key-down to obtain initial amplitude. */
- FastFixedType EnvelopeUpdate(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- return (*State->EnvelopeUpdate)(State);
- }
- /* find out if envelope has reached the end */
- MyBoolean IsEnvelopeAtEnd(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- return State->EnvelopeHasFinished;
- }
- /* create key-up impulse. call this before calling EnvelopeUpdate during a */
- /* given cycle. this call preserves the current level of the envelope but */
- /* skips to the phase after the particular sustain. */
- void EnvelopeKeyUpSustain1(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- if (State->Phase <= State->SustainPhase1)
- {
- /* find out if we should skip ahead to the sustain point */
- if ((State->SustainPhase1Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase1Type == eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip))
- {
- while ((State->CurrentPhaseRecord != NIL)
- && (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase1))
- {
- State->Phase += 1;
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->CurrentPhaseRecord->PhaseLink;
- }
- State->SustainPhase1 = -1;
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase1)
- {
- /* if we haven't even reached the sustain phase, then cancel the sustain */
- /* phase so that it can't happen */
- State->SustainPhase1 = -1;
- }
- else if (State->Phase == State->SustainPhase1)
- {
- /* or, if we are sustaining, then break the sustain */
- State->SustainPhase1 = -1;
- if (State->EnvelopeUpdate == &EnvUpdateSustain)
- {
- /* we are sustaining, so break it */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- }
- /* else we haven't reached it, but we broke it above */
- }
- /* otherwise, we must be past it so just ignore */
- }
- /* create key-up impulse. call this before calling EnvelopeUpdate during a */
- /* given cycle. this call preserves the current level of the envelope but */
- /* skips to the phase after the particular sustain. */
- void EnvelopeKeyUpSustain2(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- if (State->Phase <= State->SustainPhase2)
- {
- /* find out if we should skip ahead to the sustain point */
- if ((State->SustainPhase2Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase2Type == eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip))
- {
- while ((State->CurrentPhaseRecord != NIL)
- && (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase2))
- {
- State->Phase += 1;
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->CurrentPhaseRecord->PhaseLink;
- }
- State->SustainPhase2 = -1;
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase2)
- {
- /* if we haven't even reached the sustain phase, then cancel the sustain */
- /* phase so that it can't happen */
- State->SustainPhase2 = -1;
- }
- else if (State->Phase == State->SustainPhase2)
- {
- /* or, if we are sustaining, then break the sustain */
- State->SustainPhase2 = -1;
- if (State->EnvelopeUpdate == &EnvUpdateSustain)
- {
- /* we are sustaining, so break it */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- }
- /* else we haven't reached it, but we broke it above */
- }
- /* otherwise, we must be past it so just ignore */
- }
- /* create key-up impulse. call this before calling EnvelopeUpdate during a */
- /* given cycle. this call preserves the current level of the envelope but */
- /* skips to the phase after the particular sustain. */
- void EnvelopeKeyUpSustain3(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- if (State->Phase <= State->SustainPhase3)
- {
- /* find out if we should skip ahead to the sustain point */
- if ((State->SustainPhase3Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase3Type == eEnvelopeReleasePointSkip))
- {
- while ((State->CurrentPhaseRecord != NIL)
- && (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase3))
- {
- State->Phase += 1;
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->CurrentPhaseRecord->PhaseLink;
- }
- State->SustainPhase3 = -1;
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (State->Phase < State->SustainPhase3)
- {
- /* if we haven't even reached the sustain phase, then cancel the sustain */
- /* phase so that it can't happen */
- State->SustainPhase3 = -1;
- }
- else if (State->Phase == State->SustainPhase3)
- {
- /* or, if we are sustaining, then break the sustain */
- State->SustainPhase3 = -1;
- if (State->EnvelopeUpdate == &EnvUpdateSustain)
- {
- /* we are sustaining, so break it */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- }
- /* else we haven't reached it, but we broke it above */
- }
- /* otherwise, we must be past it so just ignore */
- }
- /* update routine for linear-absolute intervals */
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateLinearAbsolute(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- /* decrement the counter */
- State->LinearTransitionCounter -= 1;
- /* see if we should advance to the next state */
- if (State->LinearTransitionCounter < 0)
- {
- /* yup */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- /* a new function is now in charge, so defer to it */
- return (*State->EnvelopeUpdate)(State);
- }
- else
- {
- /* nope, we need to compute the next value */
- State->LastOutputtedValue = LinearTransitionUpdate(State->LinearTransition);
- return State->LastOutputtedValue;
- }
- }
- /* update routine for linear-decibel intervals */
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateLinearDecibels(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- /* decrement the counter */
- State->LinearTransitionCounter -= 1;
- /* see if we should advance to the next state */
- if (State->LinearTransitionCounter < 0)
- {
- /* yup */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- /* a new function is now in charge, so defer to it */
- return (*State->EnvelopeUpdate)(State);
- }
- else
- {
- float Index0To1;
- long double NowDecibels; /* intermediate -- long double */
- MyBoolean Negative;
- /* we need to compute the next value */
- /*State->LastOutputtedValue = LinearTransitionUpdate(State->LinearTransition);*/
- if (State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration > 1)
- {
- Index0To1 = 1 - ((float)State->LinearTransitionCounter
- / (State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration - 1));
- }
- else
- {
- Index0To1 = 1;
- }
- NowDecibels = (State->FinalDecibels * Index0To1)
- + (State->InitialDecibels * (1 - Index0To1));
- Negative = False;
- if (NowDecibels < 0)
- {
- NowDecibels = - NowDecibels;
- Negative = True;
- }
- /* some funny stuff might go on here since we're treating the FastFixed */
- /* numbers as integers, but it shouldn't matter since the curve should look */
- /* the same if the ratio of start to finish is the same no matter what */
- /* the actual magnitudes are. */
- /* in fact, the exponential base doesn't matter: */
- /* exp((ln 2 + ln 3) / 2) = 2.4494897427831781 */
- /* 10^((20*log 2 + 20*log 3) / 2 / 20) = 2.4494897427831781 */
- State->LastOutputtedValue = FEXP(NowDecibels);
- if (Negative)
- {
- State->LastOutputtedValue = - State->LastOutputtedValue;
- }
- return State->LastOutputtedValue;
- }
- }
- /* sustain on a particular value */
- static FastFixedType EnvUpdateSustain(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- return State->LastOutputtedValue;
- }
- /* routine to step to the next non-zero width interval */
- static void EnvStepToNextInterval(EvalEnvelopeRec* State)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* CurrentPhase;
- /* first, check to see if we should sustain */
- if ((State->Phase >= 0)
- && (((State->Phase == State->SustainPhase1)
- && ((State->SustainPhase1Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase1Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)))
- ||
- ((State->Phase == State->SustainPhase2)
- && ((State->SustainPhase2Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase2Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)))
- ||
- ((State->Phase == State->SustainPhase3)
- && ((State->SustainPhase3Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointSkip)
- || (State->SustainPhase3Type == eEnvelopeSustainPointNoSkip)))))
- {
- /* yup, sustain */
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateSustain;
- return;
- }
- /* if no sustain, then we can advance to the next phase */
- State->Phase += 1;
- CurrentPhase = State->CurrentPhaseRecord;
- if (CurrentPhase == NIL)
- {
- /* oh, look, no more phases, so we must be done. just sustain */
- /* the last value indefinitely */
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateSustain;
- State->EnvelopeHasFinished = True;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->CurrentPhaseRecord->PhaseLink;
- }
- /* well, we actually have to do some work. */
- DebugCheckPhase(CurrentPhase);
- if (CurrentPhase->Duration > 0)
- {
- /* if duration is greater than 0, then we go normally */
- State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration = CurrentPhase->Duration;
- State->LinearTransitionCounter = State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration;
- /* figure out what routine to use */
- switch (CurrentPhase->TransitionType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"EnvStepToNextInterval: bad envelope curve value"));
- break;
- case eEnvelopeLinearInAmplitude:
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateLinearAbsolute;
- switch (CurrentPhase->TargetType)
- {
- default:
- "EnvStepToNextInterval: bad envelope target type"));
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetAbsolute:
- RefillLinearTransition(State->LinearTransition,
- State->LastOutputtedValue,CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude,
- State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration);
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetScaling:
- RefillLinearTransition(State->LinearTransition,
- State->LastOutputtedValue,
- State->LastOutputtedValue
- * FastFixed2Float(CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude),
- State->LinearTransitionTotalDuration);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eEnvelopeLinearInDecibels:
- {
- long Temp;
- MyBoolean Negative;
- /* figure out end points */
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateLinearDecibels;
- Temp = State->LastOutputtedValue;
- Negative = False;
- if (Temp < 0)
- {
- Temp = - Temp;
- Negative = True;
- }
- if (Temp == 0)
- {
- Temp = 1;
- }
- State->InitialDecibels = FLN(Temp);
- if (Negative)
- {
- State->InitialDecibels = - State->InitialDecibels;
- }
- switch (CurrentPhase->TargetType)
- {
- default:
- "EnvStepToNextInterval: bad envelope target type"));
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetAbsolute:
- Temp = CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude;
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetScaling:
- Temp = FastFixed2Float(CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude)
- * State->LastOutputtedValue;
- break;
- }
- Negative = False;
- if (Temp < 0)
- {
- Temp = - Temp;
- Negative = True;
- }
- if (Temp == 0)
- {
- Temp = 1;
- }
- State->FinalDecibels = FLN(Temp);
- if (Negative)
- {
- State->FinalDecibels = - State->FinalDecibels;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* they want the transition immediately */
- switch (CurrentPhase->TargetType)
- {
- default:
- "EnvStepToNextInterval: bad envelope target type"));
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetAbsolute:
- State->LastOutputtedValue = CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude;
- break;
- case eEnvelopeTargetScaling:
- State->LastOutputtedValue = FastFixed2Float(CurrentPhase->FinalAmplitude)
- * State->LastOutputtedValue;
- break;
- }
- /* do it again. this will handle ties nicely too */
- EnvStepToNextInterval(State);
- }
- }
- /* retrigger envelopes from the origin point */
- void EnvelopeRetriggerFromOrigin(EvalEnvelopeRec* State,
- float Accent1, float Accent2, float Accent3, float Accent4,
- float FrequencyHertz, float Loudness, float HurryUp,
- float TicksPerSecond, MyBoolean ActuallyRetrigger)
- {
- OneEnvPhaseRec* Phase;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(State);
- DebugCheckState(State);
- /* if we actually retrigger, then reset the state */
- if (ActuallyRetrigger)
- {
- State->Phase = -1;
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->PhaseListHead;
- while (State->Phase < State->Origin - 1)
- {
- State->CurrentPhaseRecord = State->CurrentPhaseRecord->PhaseLink;
- CheckPtrExistence(State->CurrentPhaseRecord); /* must not become NIL */
- State->Phase += 1;
- }
- State->SustainPhase1 = State->OriginalSustainPhase1;
- State->SustainPhase2 = State->OriginalSustainPhase2;
- State->SustainPhase3 = State->OriginalSustainPhase3;
- State->LinearTransitionCounter = 0; /* force transition on next update */
- State->EnvelopeUpdate = &EnvUpdateLinearAbsolute;
- }
- /* no matter what, refill the parameters */
- Phase = State->PhaseListHead;
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < State->NumPhases; Scan += 1)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Phase);
- DebugCheckPhase(Phase);
- /* fill in phase record parameters */
- PRNGCHK(State->Template->PhaseArray,&(State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan]),
- sizeof(State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan]));
- /* calculate the total duration. the effect of accents is this: */
- /* - the accent is the base-2 log of a multiplier for the rate. a value of 0 */
- /* does not change the rate. -1 halves the rate, and 1 doubles the rate. */
- /* - the accent scaling factor is the base-2 log for scaling the accent. */
- /* a value of 0 eliminates the effect of the accent, a value of 1 does not */
- /* scale the accent. */
- /* - pitch has two factors: normalization point and rolloff. rolloff */
- /* determines how much the signal will decrease with each octave. 0 */
- /* removes effect, 1 halfs signal with each octave. normalization point */
- /* determines what pitch will be the invariant point. */
- Phase->Duration = TicksPerSecond * HurryUp
- * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Duration
- * FPOWER(2, - (Accent1 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent1Rate
- + Accent2 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent2Rate
- + Accent3 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent3Rate
- + Accent4 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent4Rate
- + (FLN(FrequencyHertz / State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyRateNormalization)
- / (float)LOG2) * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyRateRolloff));
- /* the final amplitude scaling values are computed similarly to the rate */
- /* scaling values. */
- Phase->FinalAmplitude = Double2FastFixed(
- State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].EndPoint
- * State->Template->OverallScalingFactor * Loudness
- * FPOWER(2, - (Accent1 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent1Amp
- + Accent2 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent2Amp
- + Accent3 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent3Amp
- + Accent4 * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].Accent4Amp
- + (FLN(FrequencyHertz / State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyAmpNormalization)
- / (float)LOG2) * State->Template->PhaseArray[Scan].FrequencyAmpRolloff)));
- /* go to the next one */
- Phase = Phase->PhaseLink;
- }
- }